MI Right to Vote:
Citizen Initiative Reform Michigan ballot Proposal for 2022.
Strengthening Democracy by closing Loopholes in Citizen Initiatives and Ending Dirty Tricks
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What our Michigan Constitutional Ballot Amendment will do:
1. Requires that any initiative of legislation that collects enough signatures to go on the ballot will be placed on the ballot for a direct vote of the people
2. Expands the deadline for the time allowed to gather signatures on initiatives and constitutional amendments, from 180 days to two years.
And for a referendum from 90 days at the end of a term to six months following enactment of the law.
3. Provides that any bill whose subject matter also includes an appropriation is subject to referendum.
- Provides, generally, that no new law covering the same subject matter rejected by the people by referendum shall be enacted except by a vote of the voters.
"The system is broken, and it's wrong," Julie Matuzek said. "I'm appalled that I'm frankly part of this system."

The system is broken.
A Member of the Michigan Board of Canvassers said as much.
“The system is broken, and it’s wrong,” Julie Matuzek said. “I’m appalled that I’m frankly part of this system.”
MI Right to Vote is fixing the system that allows groups like Secure MI Vote to use the loophole in Michigan Ballot Initiatives to have the legislature pass laws bypassing the Governor’s desk and that will never be on the Michigan Ballot for 2022 for voters to vote for.
From the Free Press Article when Secure MI Vote was being reviewed by the Michigan Board of Canvassers.
The Democratic members of the board still raised objections to the initiative. Member Julie Matuzek said that Secure MI Vote has no intention of allowing voters to weigh in on its proposals.
Michigan is a national outlier in allowing a minority of voters to introduce legislation that lawmakers can pass without the governor’s approval or a statewide vote.
That’s what MI Right to Vote will fix with your help by Signing up Sign our Petition and voting for our proposal on the ballot