Sign Up to Sign the Petition
The form Below is Not The Petition. The Petition is Paper to be filled out in ink when it becomes available.
425,000 Valid Signatures
We need 425,038 Valid Signatures by July 11, 2022 to qualify to be on the ballot. We would need a safe margin over that number before we feel comfortable to hand them in.
The MI Right to Vote petition drive is doing a big Petition by Mail effort as a flexible option because of Covid and Winter weather. This will allow us to send out 1000’s of petition quickly the day we get approved and have our petitions printed.
Picture thousands of petitions sitting on kitchen tables across Michigan to be signed and sent back to us to allow us to reach our signature target ASAP.
But we need as many Registered Michigan voters as possible to Sign up to Sign the Petition.
Please Sign up to Sign the Petition and share with Friends and Family to have them sign up too.
Thanks You
MI Right to Vote