MI Right to Vote Volunteer Positions
Petition Circulator:
You get a clipboard, MI Right to Vote pens and buttons, and as many petitions as you need/can fill up with signatures.
Sign up for our organized Signing events, go to and find hotspots in your area like Farmers Markets, and start gathering signatures from Friends and Family.
From getting a few extra signatures from Friends and Family to 1000 signatures or more, anything you can do as a MI Right to Vote Petition Circulator helps a great deal to get us that much closer toward reaching our signature goal of 600,000 Valid Signatures.
A MI Right to Vote driver will be tasked with picking up and delivering blank and signed positions, and at times delivering event materials like banners and tents.
We are doing a big Petition by Mail effort. Some of those petitions will be picked up at homes from individual signers and circulators to speed up being counted and validated.
You may also do pick-ups from our Petition Mailer volunteers.
You will be given a list of addresses in your area for curbside pick-up of signed petitions and blank petition drop-offs.
This provides a great support for Petition Circulators because it allows them to keep getting signatures and keeps them stocked up with petitions as needed.
Signature Validation:
This is an at-home position. High speed internet is required as is a general comfort in using computers.
Signature validation is a process where you check (validate) that a MI Right to Vote petition signer is a valid registered voter in Michigan.
Signature validation is important because it provides us with our Validation Rate. That’s the percentage of valid signatures we receive compared to our total signatures. The higher the validation rate the better.
Phone Hotline Reception:
This will be an at-home, on-call position in which you take calls and/or listen and respond to messages.
Petition Mailer Help
This is an at-home position to help us to send out our MI Right to Vote petitions to supporters who have signed up to receive a petition by mail.
We’re doing a big Petition by mail effort.
You’ll need to be detail-oriented, organized and have workspace to help send out, potentially, 100’s of mailers.
Zoom Coordinator
We will be running a number of Zoom meetings during our campaign.
The MI Right to Vote Zoom coordinator will be tasked with setting up our Zoom meetings.
You’ll need to have high speed internet and a good working knowledge of Zoom, with experience running Zoom meetings and recording them.